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About Us

About Apna Pariwar Global

"A Unit of Metrocity Welfare Society"

The Apna Pariwar Global (APG) acts as a catalyst in the promotion of industry, trade and entrepreneurship. APG helps members which increase their business reach through a structured, positive and professional Fellowship Program, that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with high quality business professionals. APG is A Platform of Business & Industry for Networking, Development & Expansion as it enunciates the opinions and concerns of India`s business houses and industry and is now a family of very strong network of likeminded legends, figureheads, icons, successful entrepreneur, tycoons, business barons, magnates, moguls, big shots, brand ambassadors, legates. The number of members is restricted and only high end businessmen are our members.

Its history is closely interwoven with India`s Prominent Global Personalities HNI as one of the most rapidly growing and emerging industry helping global economies across the world. It is serving to take along all the B2B fellow members from 36 destinations across globe with 200 selected cities including NRI from Switzerland, Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong and Canada, UK & USA to come under one umbrella named Apna Pariwar Global (APG). It serves its members from the Indian private corporate sector, and multinational companies drawing its strength from diverse regions of commerce and industry across states, engaging with policy makers and civil society, APG also takes care of social associations among our members through fellow membership program.

APG History

In today`s world of economy, right connections are the basics of growing big and right networking is the biggest assets. Dr. Ram Kailash Gupta utilized this vision and looked for ways to increase the coherence between businessmen of great quality. He devised a plan to propagate connections between tycoons in various fields. Thus he established in India on 3rd June 2018, Apna Pariwar Global (APG), is a brainchild of Group of renowned industrialists and philanthropists to look out for professional development opportunities, experiences to help them become better business people, in addition to this also, for unparalleled business growth, developing lasting relationships that allow them to grow both personally and professionally. So the Apna Pariwar Global was formed.

APG is a proactive National level youngest business organizations working at the grass-root level and with strong national and international linkages. Its Non-Govt, Not-for-profit unit of Metro City Welfare Society (Regd.) with over just few years of experience it has successfully carved a niche in its field and has hit the imaginations of more than 250 HNI companies is now a group from India and abroad.,


APNA PARIWAR GLOBAL will offers its members the best opportunity to connect with each other, to take care and have entertainment to cultivate happiness & personal life

APG brings in new Cosmopolitan Culture of the highest ideals in business; to share experience, creative ideas and brings in networking among members to enhance the growth and prosperity in business

APNA PARIWAR GLOBAL shall try to explore Elite marriages networking for future generations.

The APG members will enjoy extended networking in India and abroad.